There are many reasons to record and store your contact center interactions but we’ve listed a few that in our informed opinion, top the list:
Regulatory Compliance – Many industries such as financial services, healthcare, and outbound call centers are heavily regulated in their use of customer data. Violation of these regulations can result in stiff penalties and severe adverse impact to a company’s reputation. The ability to record and review calls provides an added layer of protection for your company and also provides managers guidance on which internal procedures may need to be strengthen or changed to ensure compliance. Further, some industries such as the insurance services are required to record and store for up to 7 years.
Quality Assurance and Training – One of the most popular uses for call recording is for managers to review recorded interactions with customers to ensure that each agent exceeds the standards for outstanding customer service. Further, by analyzing all interactions a manager can identify trends, establish call patterns for skills-based routing, and use the analysis for product and process enhancements. Using recorded calls during training sessions allows a manager to showcase examples of outstanding customer experiences as well as provide coaching to individual agents.
Dispute Resolution – Billing and sales disputes can often be timing consuming and expensive for a company. A recording of every customer interaction allows both parties the opportunity to review what was discussed and reach a timely and amicable resolution, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and quicker resolution.
Sales and Up-Sell – The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and the Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR) have specific language that impacts call center operating procedures. The TSR requires written or recorded verification for up-sell and cross-sell activities and for certain types of payment authorization. When an item is sold as an upsell or cross-sell in addition to or instead of the item that the customer was inquiring about in their call, the seller must be able to verify that full disclosure of the terms of the sale has been provided. This may be through written authorization from the customer or through audio recording. Most companies prefer recorded verifications because it helps close the sale quickly. Have a recording of the interaction between the customer and your company provides you the protection that you have the customer’s express agreement to be charged for the purchase.