Redaction Services

PCI and PII Redaction 2018-12-19T13:43:54-06:00

PCI Redaction

PCI Redaction allows you to comply with the requirements of the Payment Card Industry’s Data Security Standard Compliance (or PCI Compliance). These strict standards can be expensive for a company if they aren’t adhered to.

Our PCI Redaction solution identifies the specific start and stop time in milliseconds of a phrase, and then redacts that sensitive information from both the audio and transcripts, if you choose to transcribe your calls. Sensitive information can include social security numbers or credit card numbers. For audio, scrubbed recordings replace PCI information with with flat tones, and for text redaction sensitive data is replaced with the term [redacted].

MediaVault Plus PCI PII Redaction
PCI Security with MediaVault Plus

PII Redaction

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is defined as information that directly identifies an individual. Examples of PII include, but are not limited to, full name, email address, driver’s license number, social security number, and date of birth. Redacting PII from a customer interaction voice call can minimize or even eliminate the risk to your organization of PII being misused or mishandled.

MediaVault’s redaction solution identifies sensitive information and automatically replaces it with a flat tone in audio recordings, and replaces it with the word [redacted] in text transcriptions.